Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Assessment #1 Blog post

The amount of work ive done in MPI104 so far is fairly big. I usually dont use the internet much but with this course involving extensive use of the internet ive learned alot about different websites and how to use them. Now i have do tell you why i think my blogger, and flickr accounts are interesting or how or why i think they have "interestingness". Firstly, how i think they are interesting is that the dont follow most conventional websites, my blog consists of random fact about myself and Mr T, my delicious account consists of primarily random websites i thought sounded funny and my flickr account is just personal pictures of me and some of my friends. Why i think they're interesting is because it involves me in alot way. Most other people probably wouldnt find it interesting unless they themselves were in the sites. Ive put alot of work into these sites so that someone might view it and find it interesting and i think they are interesting in that way. Meaning my sites are interesting because someone else might find my sites to be interesting. They are interesting because they may interest you. Thats alot of interestings. I have been a bit slack in some areas but they all came together in the end. Ive been finding some cool pictures on flickr and some cool websites on delicious and ive had a good time writing new things on my blog. I had help by looking at other peoples blogger, delicious and flickr accounts to see what i can change in mine or something they hadnt thought of. Ive also posted on pariah productions because i went to school with they guy. Anyway, that is how and why i think my accounts have "interestingness".

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